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Marmot Days

Saturday, December 31

Chuck Strahl 2006 Campaign

Some good old plain commen sense from the west..

I enjoy reading Chuck's regular down-home missive.. try it, you will like it..

Sigmund, Carl and Alfred: The Love That Kills: On The Couch With Raskalnikov

Now this is a good read....

Friday, December 30

Conservatives prepare for Liberal negative ad campaign?


Among other bloggers discussing the latest revelations of Liberal scandals, are various polls discussing the ratings and comparisons and opinions of polled citizens about their choices and preferences in the upcoming election. All seem to clearly point to an increase in support for the Conservatives, and a decline for the Liberals. All to the good, as far as I can see, and depending on which you choose to believe, some are more positive than others..

I think it worth remembering that these charts and polls are selected from a fairly small pool and/or organizations.

They really can't be taken as gospel, no matter how much one would like. The way this election is playing out, there are 3 possible scenerios..

1. a return to much the same as when the election was called..
2. a minority Conservative government, requiring continual negotiations with either the Bloc, or the 'blackmailing' NDP [remeber that they will cut a deal with whatever government, despite basic differences in philosophy, to get their way].
3. a majority Conservative Govt.

Personally I would love to see the public in BC and Ontario finally 'get it' by the end of this campaign and vote for change and we could get option 3. Option 2 is more likely at this point in my opinion, and if option 1 is the result, then expect that we will have this all over again within a year.

Western Standard - Independent Voice of the New West.

Thursday, December 29

Why you should vote Liberal..
Courtesy of Small Dead Animals

and D-Man..

Small sample...

"Why I will vote Liberal"

"Because I believe in the extent to which the Official Languages Act is carried out and enforced; that every public servant even in the most remote part of B.C. should be fluent in the French language, but that government business in Quebec should be in unilingual French.

Because I believe that only lawyers from the province of Quebec are qualified to be prime minister of Canada.

Because I believe that the federal government should be completely controlled by the province of Quebec.

Because I believe that all criminals are just poor misunderstood victims of society and can all be easily rehabilitated in a very short period of time; and that only they have "rights"; not the victims of their crimes.

Because I believe that hardened criminals like Karla Homolka should be pampered by living in a "cottage" with her own key and be allowed to have pyjama parties and go out on shopping trips; and that killers in prison "resorts" on the Pacific coast should eat filet mignon, have barbecues, go whale watching and have their own golf course, while our senior citizens have to eat left over Kraft Dinner.

Because I believe that mass murderers under that age of 18 should be protected by the Young Offenders Act and the rest of us law-abiding citizens do not have the right to know who they are.

Because I believe in bringing hundreds of thousands of unskilled people into Canada from third world countries every year so we can support them on welfare and so that they will vote Liberal; and that this number should be increased every year.


Check it out..

Wednesday, December 28

Why Marmot Days?.. Good question.. Lots of witty, or unusual, or definitive titles out there, but as I live on Vancouver Island, in Canada's beautiful British Columbia Province, we have an endangered species known as Marmots [a little like groundhogs, or prairie dogs, elsewhere]. Being retired, I moved here from Ontario, some 12 years ago, and have never regretted it.

I can identify with the endangered species tag, as I feel that in this politically correct world, that is what I have become. In any event more about this in a later entry. Currently, I am quite interested in many of the Conservative bloggers and others who try to tell it like it really is, instead of how politicians, liberals, and the media try to spin it.

The current election campaign is a turning point for Canada and the Canadian way of life that I grew up with, as I see it. I have worked for Government Companies, Large corporations, small businesses, and been a consultant for many decades. I have had dealings and been a member [forced] of a union. I have seen many a person rise to the level of their incompetence, and good, intelligent, skilled individuals, fall by the wayside of office politics. Amazing that the country functions at all, given the declining capability of the average younger adult and students to understand and use the language.

Enough rambling for the moment, other priorities call, like catching the latest PBS, Discovery, or one of the other few interesting shows on the 'idiot box'..

Okay, back now.. I have been reading a lot of interesting election news, not seen or mentioned in the Media, relative to the Liberals, and more investigations into the last decade of corrupt Canadian politics.. Why this has been ignored by the apathetic public for so long is beyond me. I guess it's a case of 'I'm alright, Jack', and 'better the devil you know'.. but I continue to hope, [perhaps without foundation], that right will eventually win out, and someday we will actually have the government we need, rather than the ones we keep voting into power. Perhaps, this time, if the Conservatives [Reform, Alliance] get elected, there is still a chance.