Proud To Be Canadian .ca
Last Thursday, environmentalist guru David Suzuki stormed out of a Toronto AM640 radio interview with host John Oakley because Oakley dared to suggest that global warming might not be the “totally settled issue” Suzuki insisted it was
Oakley only reported a fact: Many accredited scientists—some
full professors from top universities, including Nobel prize winners and a former president of the National Academy of Sciences—would argue that “global warning is at best unproven and at worst pure fantasy,” according to novelist and independent scientific researcher Michael Crichton, author of the best-selling 2004 environmental techno-thriller , State of Fear. Crichton, one of the first to expand on the theme of environmentalis
m-as-religion, would doubtless see Suzuki’s gesture as a result of confusion of his role as environmental advocate with that of chief of Morals Police. Suzuki’s very public censure of Oakley for his perceived blasphemy is disquieting because it smacks of the totalitarian impulse to silence and humiliate the dissenter --or even, as in this case, the dissenter’s messenger.
Read the rest of the truth here..
Proud To Be Canadian .ca