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Marmot Days

Monday, May 19

31,072 scientists sign petition against “man-made global warming” theory and Kyoto

Here’s news of a petition apparently signed by over 31,000 scientists against the so-called (by fascists) “settled science” of “man-made global warming”. This was sent to me by a reader (Frogg) who follows the debate closely.

I checked out the petition and the controversy surrounding it quite a bit this morning. Lots of (what turn out to be) rabid political leftists denounce it of course. See one answer to one of them from the petition’s proponent, below. The biggest criticism of it came from a site which, if you follow the money trail far enough, turns out to be a far-left site site funded partly by a foundation which is in turn funded by the far-left billionaire Bush-hating socialist and political agitprop George Soros, but which is nonetheless well disguised as a legitimate, independent media organization. George Soros’ name often comes up when looking into sites well disguised as legitimate, independent media organizations

How many 'experts' does it take to stop this nonsense?

Read the rest here.
