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Marmot Days

Saturday, March 25

"There's an Elephant in the Room"

A heartfelt dissertation exposing the hypocrisy
of the Native Reality and the propaganda that supports the position that all Native problems are the White Society's fault.

Dust my Broom » Blog Archive » Eaten by Animals


From an American Soldier serving in Mosul, Iraq.
It has been said that the Vietnam War was lost on television, and that was when there were only three channels on and they all screamed: RETREAT! But soldiers don’t watch the news, we make it. That is why the MSM refuse to tell our story, that is why they continue to poison the well back home, and that is why soldiers have taken it upon ourselves to “tell it like it is” on the internet.

Warning! Video does not contain scenes of violence, bombs, protests, demonstrations and general strife. I guess the blogger figured the MSM has that market covered.

Watch the Video Tribute HERE


Tuesday, March 21

Czech TV Documentary Exposes Muslim Mosque Hypocracy

One face for the public view, another in private for followers.
The footage in I, Muslim shows a reporter pretending to be someone interested in converting to Islam. He conducts several conversations with members of the mosque, located in Černý Most, about Islam, Europe, terrorism and the role of women.

One Muslim in the documentary compares Islamic terrorists to Jan Palach, the Czech student who committed suicide by setting himself on fire in protest of the 1968 Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia.

Another says Islamic law should be implemented in the Czech Republic, including the death penalty for adultery, Ovečka says.

The Muslims interviewed said embarrassing things. Now they are blaming the interviewer. "TV documentary angers Muslims," from The Prague Post,

Ambassadors to the Czech Republic from Arab nations and members of the Czech Muslim community say they are outraged by a documentary aired on TV last fall that used hidden camera footage of conversations in a Prague mosque and spliced it — they say unfairly — with images of terrorism.

Dhimmi Watch: Bad dhimmi! Czech documentary angers Muslims