Too Funny..
Liberal Campaign Financing Tactics
Step One: Surveying a Potential Donor
This Canada » Blog Archive » Liberal Campaign Financing Tactics
Step One: Surveying a Potential Donor
To the tune of Monty Python's Lumberjack song:
I'm a Liberal and I'm OK,
I sleep all night and spend all day.
I cut down conservatives, eat my lunch,
I go to the lava-try.
On Wednesdays I go shoppin'
And have buttered lobster from the sea.
(imported by my steamship lines of course)
This chart shows that 25% of people currently intending to vote Liberal are considering changing their vote while 24% of people currently intending to vote Conservative are considering changing their vote. So Conservative support is marginally more solid - no big deal. What is a big deal is the solidity of the Bloc's support in Quebec. Only 11% of people currently intending to vote Bloc are considering changing their mind. Combine this with the recent upswing in Conservative support in Quebec and one can surmise that the party they are considering changing their vote to isn't the Liberals. This graph shows little upside for the Liberals in Quebec.... more
This is the letter of the day in the National Post...
It’s more than a bit rich, it’s downright lying … and proved by his party’s record.
1. Whose party was investigated for corruption, graft and money-laundering by Gomery?
2. Whose party, Finance Minister and Prime Minister is being investigated by the RCMP for involvement in the Income Trust scandal?What happens when you place blogging and multimedia tools in the hands of the electorate?
You get the Liberal Attack Ad Remix.
Click here for the video (.WMV)
Government Contracts for "relocation services" from November 2002 until October 2005 total:
Moving expenses or a slush fund for more undeserved perks for special Liberals?