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Marmot Days

Saturday, January 7

Too Funny..

Liberal Campaign Financing Tactics

Step One: Surveying a Potential Donor

Click below for the rest...

This Canada » Blog Archive » Liberal Campaign Financing Tactics


Harper leads Martin in Quebec Harper leads Martin in Quebec

Friday, January 6


Her blog and thoughts...

It's a quick read..

Insightful, no?

Hon. Judy Sgro 2006 - Official Campaign Website


To the tune of Monty Python's Lumberjack song:


I'm a Liberal and I'm OK,
I sleep all night and spend all day.

I cut down conservatives, eat my lunch,
I go to the lava-try.
On Wednesdays I go shoppin'
And have buttered lobster from the sea.
(imported by my steamship lines of course)


Angry in the Great White North

Thursday, January 5

True Left Liberals can vote NDP and give the Liberals a safe, well-deserved humbling.

A thoughtful discourse by Liam O'Bien from Newfoundland & Labrador..

Responsible Government League: True Left Liberals can vote NDP and give the Liberals a safe, well-deserved humbling.

Conservatives doing better in Quebec?

This chart shows that 25% of people currently intending to vote Liberal are considering changing their vote while 24% of people currently intending to vote Conservative are considering changing their vote. So Conservative support is marginally more solid - no big deal. What is a big deal is the solidity of the Bloc's support in Quebec. Only 11% of people currently intending to vote Bloc are considering changing their mind. Combine this with the recent upswing in Conservative support in Quebec and one can surmise that the party they are considering changing their vote to isn't the Liberals. This graph shows little upside for the Liberals in Quebec.... more

Conservative Life - Canadian Politics - Some observations about the latest Leger poll

An old forgotten Liberal scandal revisited?

A source within Canadian political and media circles informed CQ earlier this afternoon that the media will break a story on an almost-forgotten scandal involving Options Canada, where $4.8 million disappeared without much oversight from the Liberal government in 1995.

Angry in the Great White North

“Irish poets in a dark bar”

Liberal machine coming off the rails?
Upsetting the media is not a good idea.

Tom Clarke of CTV, sitting behind me, was steaming mad. “You charge people $10,000 to ride this plane, and what’s the point? We could cover it better if stayed in Ottawa,” he thundered.

Western Standard - Independent Voice of the New West.

Quebec mayor: A vote for Paul Martin is a vote to destroy Canada

This is the letter of the day in the National Post...

Conservative Life - Canadian Politics - Quebec mayor: A vote for Paul Martin is a vote to destroy Canada


The party's over for Paul Martin and his Liberal Party.


Wednesday, January 4

Funny Site.. check it out.. another cartoonist..

Welcome to Don't Tell The Queen

Immigration Vote swinging to Conservatives?
Site devoted to immigrants and the way they have had to deal with making a living when their professional credentials are disallowed, and they are forced to earning a living any way they can.. this site is encouraging immigrants to vote Conservative, and supports Harper's promise to change the law and recognize their education and skills, so that they can get employment in the fields they were trained in.

Steak vs Sizzle?

Mr. Harper’s personality, or lack of same, that has been working to his advantage -- if not on its own, then in contrast with Mr. Martin’s. Honest pandering

Tuesday, January 3

Loverly bit of checking Martin's record vs his Claims

Martin Attacks Harper on Values?

It’s more than a bit rich, it’s downright lying … and proved by his party’s record.

1. Whose party was investigated for corruption, graft and money-laundering by Gomery?

2. Whose party, Finance Minister and Prime Minister is being investigated by the RCMP for involvement in the Income Trust scandal?

This Canada » Blog Archive » Martin Attacks Harper on Values?

What happens when you place blogging and multimedia tools in the hands of the electorate?

You get the Liberal Attack Ad Remix.

attack-remix-1.jpg attack-remix-2.jpg attack-remix-3.jpg attack-remix-4.jpg

Click here for the video (.WMV)

Stephen Taylor - Conservative Party of Canada Pundit: Liberal attack ad remix

What? No cabinet post? He really did it on principle?

A prominent Calgary Liberal - a hand-picked candidate by Paul Martin for the 2004 election - has defected to the Conservatives, saying the Liberals are unprincipled and that Mr. Martin has failed Canadians.

Angry in the Great White North

Beginning of Conservative Representation in Quebec?
More suspicious supping at the Liberal trough?

The Abotech Affair: Don't get distracted by the fear thing in Pontiac

Angry in the Great White North

Canadian prisoners will be voting for any party except Conservatives. They don't want to lose their TV's, spa's, and their 'right' to vote..

CBC - Canada Votes 2005 - Analysis and Commentary - Election Roundtable

Monday, January 2

Even Liberal Friendly Media Isn't Biting This Time.. Toronto Star, staunchly Liberal finally telling it like it is..

T.O. Ree's War Room: Even Liberal Friendly Media Isn't Biting This Time

Right to be angry?.. Damn right.. read this..

Chuck Strahl 2006 Campaign

Kate's latest column on the CBC Roundtable site.."Slandering the Poor"

CBC - Canada Votes 2005 - Analysis and Commentary - Election Roundtable

Conservative Life - Canadian Politics - Bombshell: Liberals rewarding their friends using taxdollars under the guise of "Relocation Services"?

Government Contracts for "relocation services" from November 2002 until October 2005 total:


Moving expenses or a slush fund for more undeserved perks for special Liberals?

Goodale Office used for partisan business.. so what else is new?


Sunday, January 1 :: Prime Minister Forever

Now for all you diehard political folks.. a cool game..